Whether you’re an avid surfer, Olympian or yoga mom, Waiākea® (why-uh-kay-uh) is filtered through thousands of feet of porous volcanic rock to help keep you optimally hydrated and performing at your best.







Waiākea volcanic water originates on the Mauna Loa volcano as arctic moisture from trade winds that converts to bountiful rain or snow as it hits the volcano’s mountainous slopes. Our water is then naturally filtered through thousands of feet of porous lava rock which enhances it with a unique blend of life sustaining minerals before finally emerging as delicious and pure Hawaiian volcanic water. 


Mauna Loa means “Long Mountain” in the Hawaiian language, and the volcano plays a prominent role in ancient and modern Hawaiian culture. Mauna Loa boasts not only being the planet’s most active volcano, but also the largest mountain on Earth.


So, how big is Mauna Loa? It is approximately 375 times the size of Mount Hood and has quite a bit more rock than either the entire Cascade or Sierra Nevada mountain ranges, or could fill the Grand Canyon 18 times! Mauna Loa rises at least 33,000 feet above the sea floor, making it the tallest mountain in the world when measured from its base.


2,400 miles from the nearest industrial landmass and surrounded by 10 million square miles of ocean, Waiākea® volcanic water originates in Hawaii through both snowmelt and rain on the pristine snowcapped peak of the active Mauna Loa volcano- one of the purest environments on Earth. Waiākea is then filtered through 14,000 feet of porous lava rock before re-emerging at its source, the Kea’au aquifer, located at the eastern base of the Mauna Loa volcano in a secluded area surrounded by rich and bio-diverse forest preserves.


Waiākea is constantly flowing and takes less than 30 days to arrive from where it originates on Mauna Loa. This gives Waiākea a superior rating in virginality, and a soft and smoothe taste with a hint of sweet.



Waiākea, Premium by Nature®